Tuesday 12 April 2016

                                  WORKING ON MACRO

Macro is a large area to cover, and a lot of hard work has gone into the making of our logbooks. Sketching and design intervention are the areas on which we have to lay stress upon. I have tried to improve my sketching in this module, as i am not perfect in it. I have tried to cover all the main points through sketching, like street view of hauz khas,social culture ,environment etc. Now my macro area is heading towards the end and i will be starting with my micro from now onwards. 
Various sketches from my logbook

Tuesday 5 April 2016

                3D MODEL ABOUT HAUS KHAS 😍

4th week and we have started with our 3D model which was supposed to be started in the 3rd week! But i guess its never too late and our work is going on pretty good! I am loving the idea of creating the hauz khas street in the way of a model. The process of making the buildings is pretty interesting as it requires alot of techniques and it has to be done using perspective, by doing all this we are able to learn to create building in a 3D way which i have personally never done before so i am a little bit more excited about it! 
And side by side i am working on my micro too which is choosing an opportunity area and start working on that. 
I have not yet come up with the design intervention but i have doddled a lot of ideas and will soon come up with one!



                                                                                                  picture by:shrankhla grover

                                     OBSERVING THE                                               SOCIAL CULTURE  PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT !

      The other day we were supposed to sketch which included various things like social culture people , process and system, environment and ambience, material and object.
      But that particular day i only sketched the social culture people which was about what kind of people come there, what age group, culture and for what purpose i.e to shop, to eat, to party or who work over there and all! And also studied the environment of the place and the restaurants and cafe's & art galleries individually too!
       I clicked the pictures to sketch it later on as we could not sit at
a particular place like a cafe and keep doing our work there for hours! 
      Later on i started with sketching the environment and now i have to work on material and object and the process which is carried out in the area!
Pictures by: shrankhla grover


 Hauz Khas Social ,the most famous restaurant at HKV offers really amazing food and has a great ambience,i got to know this from a friend of mine as i have never been to the place before! As we had to discuss the questionnaire so we decided to land up to a place sit over there and discuss it. So we went to social. After discussing the questionnaire we divided ourselves in groups of 4 each to go and interview the people out there! One group decided to interview the shopkeepers,owners,managers etc. & the other one to interview the customers,tourists,visitors and all!

Talking to random people is not my cup of tea so i was a bit nervous before i went to take the first interview, but to my surprise it went pretty good like really good and it gave me the courage to go and talk to people without hesitation. That day my team interviewed 32 people which were of different age groups, culture etc.
The day went pretty good and we collected a lot of data!
Picture by: shrankhla grover

                       INTERVIEWS WERE SO MUCH FUN

Next day when we went to hauz khas village we were supposed to talk to people or in other words interview them, so that we land up to some points which are not known. I personally started with some pre field research, studied about HAUZ KHAS,history and about the shops,cafe's,art galleries etc. 
The most interesting part about this module is that we are asked to do something that atleast i have never done before which is talking to random people in a formal amd informal way depending upon whom are we talking to! 
The project is going fun till now and i hope it will be more fun ahead, as we are learning many new things.
Interviewing various people
Pictures by: pranay takyar & shrankhla grover


First day we were supposed to observe the place so that we can decide our macro. We started of with roaming around the place and clicking picture of everything which  seemed interesting to us. And trust me this was the first time when we explored haus khas village in such a way, where people go to
Hang out and have fun and party we were there for our research process! No matter it was quite interesting as we never thought that we would be observing the place so minutly!
The place is not only about the fort or the clubs or restaurants over there but alot more beyond that which we experienced after going there continuously for so many days! 
We also tasted food from various restaurants which was a treat to our tasting buds! 
Overall it was a great visit but very tiring!

picture by: shrankhla grover

picture by: shrankhla grover
source: google images