Tuesday 5 April 2016

                                     OBSERVING THE                                               SOCIAL CULTURE  PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT !

      The other day we were supposed to sketch which included various things like social culture people , process and system, environment and ambience, material and object.
      But that particular day i only sketched the social culture people which was about what kind of people come there, what age group, culture and for what purpose i.e to shop, to eat, to party or who work over there and all! And also studied the environment of the place and the restaurants and cafe's & art galleries individually too!
       I clicked the pictures to sketch it later on as we could not sit at
a particular place like a cafe and keep doing our work there for hours! 
      Later on i started with sketching the environment and now i have to work on material and object and the process which is carried out in the area!
Pictures by: shrankhla grover

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